Support us

Donate 2 % of income tax

Why should you donate 2% to the Adapt Institute?

Only for TAX PAYERS in Slovakia

If you submit a tax return directly to the tax office, it is necessary to include Adapt Institute’s identification data.

If you are an employee, you must provide them to your employer. Your anonymity as a donor can be preserved – in the form you can mark voluntary consent check box regarding sharing your your data/identity.

Adapt Institute Identification Data:

Name of organization: Adapt Institute

ID: 54312264

DIČ: 2121720524

IČ DPH: SK2121720524

Legal form: Občianske združenie

Registered office: Na vŕšku 4930/8, Bratislava – Staré Mesto district, 811 01



Forms for tax return type A/B and information on remittance of 2% can be found on the website of the Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic here.

Legal person

The corporate tax return form and information on the 2% remittance can be found on the Financial Administration page here.

Donation options

If you like our work, we will certainly not discourage you from trying to support us financially once or regularly. 🙂

You can do so by transfer to an account in UniCredit Bank Slovakia, a.s.
Šancová 1 / A, 813 33 Bratislava.

Account number: 1694069006/1111

IBAN: SK3911110000001694069006

Please include your name, email or other contact (optional) and “Donation” in the recipient message.

We will try to provide the supporters with various benefits once they leave us their contact.

If you are interested in learning more about our activities, you can contact me at any time.
Thank you in advance.

Director of the Adapt Institute
Matej Kandrik

Patreon and other options

External platforms for financial support

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