Adapt Institute

The Adapt Institute is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit, analytical think-tank that works on defence and security policy, with a specific focus on strategic adaptations and changes in security environment. The Adapt Institute aims to develop the Slovak security community through education, expert network development and stimulating expert dialogue at national and international level, and to improve public debate and give space to experts.

The Adapt Institute, Adapt for short, was established in 2022 and fully follows the tradition of its two predecessors – the Strategic Policy Institute (Stratpol) and the Slovak Security Policy Institute (SSPI).  Adapt capitalizes on the experience of its predecessors and draws on the experience of implementing a number of projects in areas such as hybrid threats, armed conflicts, social resilience, Euro-Atlantic relations and foreign influence. Our team has been behind successful conferences, public and non-public presentations and briefings for policy makers and government officials. We have authored research reports, policy recommendations, as well as commentaries and media appearances.

The implementation of the Adapt Institute’s priorities takes the form of in-house research activities, intensive expert dialogue and education as well as popularization of security topics.

The Euro-Atlantic project provides a space for a broad expert discussion in Slovakia on the direction of the security and defence policy of the Slovak Republic in the light of new challenges and threats. It also aims to increase the exchange of knowledge and awareness among experts in the field, as well as decision-makers and government officials. All outputs are interpreted to the general public, thus contributing to the promotion of consensus on the defence and security priorities of the Slovak Republic.

The Security Academy is an educational programme to educate and train young professionals. Participants of the programme have a unique opportunity to get to know leading Slovak and foreign security experts in both online and offline formats and to get acquainted with the practical workings of state security institutions.

In the field of countering disinformation, the Adapt Institute’s organizational arm,, is one of the largest and most popular public multimedia platforms. The portal publishes analytical articles, commentaries and podcasts on topics such as the functioning of social networks, the spread of disinformation and cyber security in Slovak information space.

For the general public, Adapt publishes a regular newsletter, Adapt Monitor, which brings analytical commentaries on defence and security issues and current international events.

Our Vision:

To help Slovakia to adapt to ongoing and future security challenges.

Our mission:

Cultivate the Slovak security community through education, expert network and engaging dialogue at a national and international level.

Origin of an idea:

A growing need for a different mindset to overcome future security and defense challenges on a global level.

Our solution:

Creation of network-centric organization. A platform for well-connected professionals with a focus on in-depth analysis, research-based solutions and advocacy

Our Values:

to the new world and its dynamics

a nonpartisan approach driven by principles of professionalism

being a reliable and strategic partner in security environment

Our personality:

a knowledge platform
trustworthy source of information and expertise

a reliable partner
offering effective partnerships and new collaborations

an innovative enabler
navigating adaptive policy solutions