The emergence of AI-generated disinformation has transformed the landscape of information warfare, enabling efficient and widespread creation, amplification, and dissemination of false information. AI-powered disinformation campaigns operate with unprecedented scale and sophistication, targeting specific users and undermining democratic processes. Traditional methods of countering disinformation are inadequate in the face of AI-generated content. Various forms of AI-generated disinformation include automated content generation, deepfakes, and manipulation of social media algorithms. The implications encompass political manipulation, erosion of trust, economic disruption, and security threats. Effective strategies to counter AI-generated disinformation require sophisticated detection methods, collaboration among researchers, platforms, and policymakers, and the establishment of legal and regulatory frameworks promoting accountability and responsible AI use. Addressing this challenge is crucial for preserving democratic values and societal well-being in the digital age.
Read the Long Read via the link: AI-GENERATED DISINFORMATION: UNDERSTANDING AND FIGHTING NEW PHENOMENON - Jerguš Lajoš Don't forget to listen to the discussion following this Long Read on our Youtube channel HERE.
This Long Read is supported by
NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division