In the next week, ten successful graduates of the third year of the Adapt Security Academy, an educational programme of...
Around these days we are finishing our six-month programme Security Academy 2023/2024 and thanks to the Representation of the European...
The automotive industry, especially in Slovakia, is a key driver of economic growth, with factors such as the legacy of...
Complex Challenges & Resilience Geopolitics Global Agenda Non-Military Security
The EU and Serbia finalised a controversial lithium mining agreement essential for electric vehicle batteries. Amidst Serbia’s alignment with Russia...
Geopolitics Military Affairs
Many countries are increasingly experimenting with the use of AI in military technologies and for ensuring national security. Among the...
Complex Challenges & Resilience Geopolitics Global Agenda Military Affairs Non-Military Security Strategic Thinking Strategy & Defence
NATO’s 2024 summit is over; as always, it has brought forward multiple topics. Especially given the current turbulent geopolitical and...
Geopolitics Military Affairs Strategy & Defence
Drones, or UAVs, were often considered weapons of the future. Before the two world wars in the 20th century, the...
Complex Challenges & Resilience Non-Military Security
Russian hackers known as APT28 carried out a massive cyber-attack against multiple European countries with the aim of targeting political...
The crises of recent years – be it the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, or the climate crisis and...
The experience of the post-Soviet republics with security-related agreements with Moscow is such that the...
In Colombia, where the differences between social classes are palpable, the vision of money and...
China’s recent demands for the United States to adopt a “no-first-use” policy and to stop...
The EU and Serbia finalised a controversial lithium mining agreement essential for electric vehicle batteries....
Many countries are increasingly experimenting with the use of AI in military technologies and for...
NATO’s 2024 summit is over; as always, it has brought forward multiple topics. Especially given...
Drones, or UAVs, were often considered weapons of the future. Before the two world wars...
Russian hackers known as APT28 carried out a massive cyber-attack against multiple European countries with...