
The first and entirely expert-based conference focusing on the societal fight against disinformation and the exchange of experience in the field of strategic communication in Slovakia. The conference invites experts from the academic community, non-governmental organizations, private companies or the state sector and representatives of uniformed forces to meet and discuss specific ongoing challenges with an aim to share different perspectives and approaches for tackling societal issues.

The last year created a platform and provided a necessary impetus for deepening the connection between the knowledge of behavioral and social sciences together with knowledge of information and modern technologies in the society-wide fight against disinformation.

This year we are about to dive into the topics how disinformation can undermine the social cohesion as its resilience downgrades, what are the critical pillars of Ukraine’s strategic communication in the time of war, in which way is generative AI going to redesign fight against misinformation online or what are interdisciplinary challenges in the era of disinformation.

How can you participate on the day of the conference?

Join the live stream on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Don’t forget to ask your questions via Slido.com – use #disinfo

Conference language: English