Annual reports

At the end of 2021, a new Slovak think-tank, which dared to build on the work of two high-quality and established defence and security institutions, began to emerge. And it was in the summer of 2022 that we finally launched the Adapt Institute brand in full swing.

After the first year of our hard work, we are proud of the huge amount of accomplishments, that we have achieved with a small team of young fellows. Our determination to develop the Slovak security community through education, expert network development and stimulating expert dialogue at national and international levels does not erode due to the current political and societal situation at home and beyond our Eastern borders.                  A straightforward attitude in the field of international relations and the geopolitical direction of Slovakia had never been as important as it is today.

We are unequivocal supporters of Slovakia’s membership in the NATO defence alliance as well as our anchoring in pro-democratic European structures.

A big thank you goes to all internal and external colleagues, junior analysts, interns, expert consultants, supporters and, above all, partners with whom we work on many important domestic and international projects.